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Stamping Is My Business!  


 The Stamping Professional's Source 

for Business-Building Information, Products & Services!

. . . . . . . . .

If you can't read this, select here.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Forget Halloween.  You want to know what's really scary? 12 weeks until Christmas!  13 weeks until the New Year!  Now THAT'S scary!

Now is a good time to assess your progress so far this year.  Are you where you wanted to be?  Yes?  Great! No?  Then you need to make some corrections now.  It's still very early, but the sooner you address any shortcomings, the better.  

Thanks to everyone who sent e-mails last month about how cute the baby is.  His mother and I couldn't agree more.  It'll be hard to top last month's picture, but I'm going to try!  He's starting to eat real food now (if you can call that mush real food).  Still not sleeping through the night, but we're hopeful!

As always, if I can ever be of any assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch. 

Warmest regards,



John Sanpietro

Certified Personal & Professional Development Coach


In this issue


Less Than A Week Left To Sign Up for 

the 2007 Blogger's Boot Camp!

There are only a few days left to sign up for the 2007 Blogger's Boot Camp!   The Boot Camp begins on Tuesday, October 9th and will take place on four consecutive Tuesdays - October 9th thru October 30th.


The 2007 Blogger's Boot Camp will teach you to build, maintain and market a BUSINESS blog designed to generate leads, sales and profit!  We'll cover some of the basics, as well as many of the new features available to you since the last Blogger's Boot Camp.  Also, now that some of the rules have changed, we'll cover the things you can now include on your blog that you couldn't before.


We'll also have a guest speaker during one of the calls.  One of my star pupils and quite possibly the most successful stamping business blogger today - Erika Martin (!  I'll interview Erika about the blogging portion of her business and she'll be available for Q&A, as well.


For more information, or to sign up, click here.


And if you have a Group of 6 or more, you qualify for a 20% Group DiscountE-mail me for more info.



Three Ideas That Sound Good...But Aren't!

I often hear ideas passed around at various events.  On the surface, they seem like good, business-building ideas.  When you peel the layers back, though, you'll find they really aren't.  Here are three examples:


Having Someone Write Your Newsletter For You

There are several things you can delegate to others.  This isn't one of them.  A generic newsletter written for multiple stamping business owners looks and reads like a generic newsletter.  It's not as engaging.  It doesn't speak with your voice or personality.  And it doesn't allow you the room or flexibility to promote everything you have to promote.  You may be saving a little time in the short-term, but its costing you money in the long-run.



Including Catalog Product In Your Class Fee

Unless you're willing to simply add the full retail cost of the product to your existing class fee (for example: $20 class fee + $24.95 product = $44.95 class fee), then all you're going to do is increase sales while decreasing your profit because a larger portion of your class fee will go toward the product. 


"Book A Workshop, Get A Catalog"

"In order for you to see what I have to sell, you have to promise you're going to spend money with me.  Otherwise, I'm going to make you pay to see my product line."


Enough said. 



New SU Demos!

Listen Up and Listen In To This Call! 


I'm happy to report that two of my clients, Jen Peel and Sarah Schueler, will be hosting the Stampin' Up! New Demo Training call which takes place on Wednesday October 3rd, at 6:00 p.m. eastern.  


Jen and Sarah are both fantastic stamping business owners and I'm sure they'll have lots of information to share with new demos looking to start their business with a bang!


For more information or to register, see the Teleconference page on the SU website.



Come See John in Indianapolis and Chicago!


Live Presentations by John Sanpietro"John is the BEST business speaker in our profession!"

       - Glenda Travelstead

I'm happy to announce that a few of my upcoming live presentations will be open to the stamping public!  They are:

  • October 26-27 - Indianapolis, Indiana

  • November 9-10 - Chicago, Illinois

If you're interested in attending any of these events, please e-mail me for more information.

Also, we are now booking dates for the 2008 (and the first half is starting to fill up).

All SIMB presentations are designed to inform, motivate and inspire your downline or group to define their goals and build their business.  


Unlike many other speakers, however, SIMB presentations are designed exclusively for stamping professionals - not the entire direct sales industry.  John understands the unique challenges stamping business owners face, and is able to address them specifically.  


We also understand the financial difficulties stamping business owners face and have priced these presentations accordingly.


John will share concrete steps everyone can take to make their business a success - whether they just want a self-supporting hobby, or a full-fledged stamping business!


If you would like more information about booking John for an appearance in front of your group, send us an e-mail, or select here for more information.  


Holiday Catalog Coming Soon!

If you're looking for gifts for your downline that will help them build their business, or would like some of these tools for yourself, be on the lookout for the SIMB Holiday Catalog!

The Catalog is filled with lots of items to help any stamping business owner earn more money, recruit more downline and become more successful.  You'll also be able to purchase SIMB Gift Certificates so your downline can choose the products they want themselves

The SIMB Holiday catalog will be arriving in your Inbox in about one week.



Sample of the Month

Submitted by: 

Doreen Zavaduk

Stamp Sets:  With Gratitude, Season by Season

C/S:  Old Olive, Ruby Red, More Mustard, Confetti Cream

Inks & Markers:  Old Olive, Chocolate Chip, Fall Colors on Baby Wipes

Accessories:  Mustard Grosgrain Ribbon, Natural Hemp Twine, Baby Wipes

Congratulations to Doreen, who wins a $10 SIMB Gift Certificate!


As part of our efforts to continually improve, I'm happy to announce the NEW & IMPROVED SAMPLES SECTION.  Utilizing blog technology, the new samples section features a search function which allows you to look up samples by a particular stamp set or theme.  You can also click on each sample for an even larger version.  In total, WE NOW HAVE OVER 500 SAMPLES and are adding more and more every day.  


Use this link to view the new Samples Section.


We are now looking for Holiday samples!


If you would like to submit a sample to be considered for Sample of the Month and the Samples Section, just send me a scan via e-mail, or mail your sample to: John Sanpietro, Stamping Is My Business!, 36 Fir Street, Jay, NY 12941.  


Please include your name, e-mail address, phone number and all materials used to make your sample.



Book of the Month

Make Money, Not Excuses - Wake Up, Take Charge, and Overcome Your Financial Fears Forever

by Jean Chatzky

You may recognize Jean Chatzky from her regular appearances on the Today Show or her nationally syndicated column.  She's a sharp financial writer with a talent for breaking things down into small, manageable steps.  

Chatzky is very no-nonsense when it comes to money and offers up clear, concise, easy-to-follow advice if you're looking to get your financial house in order, business or personal.

This book can be a real eye-opener!

Select here for more information from 

Stamping Business Q&A


You Always Talk About the Difference Between Sales and Profit.  What Do You Mean?


This is a great question, and one I'm asked often.


Simply put: 


Sales is a measure of how much money you're making for your company.  


Profit is a measure of how much money you're making for yourself.


And the two don't necessarily go hand-in-hand.  I know plenty of stamping business owners who have award-winning sales numbers, but very little profit to show for it.  Either because they spend too much, or they give deep discounts to their customers as incentives to buy.  These discounts seriously cut into their profit.


Can you have good sales AND good profit?




You just have to run a responsible business by keeping your own spending under control and believing that your product's quality is the reason customers want to buy it... not deep discounts.


(If there's a question you'd like answered, or a topic you'd like me to cover,  feel free to 

send me an e-mail)





I bought your book and CD's and they have changed not only how I think about my business but how I feel about it too.

 - PW, Minnesota


It has taken me YEARS to take some of the advice John gave me... Now that I have, I am MUCH MORE PROFITABLE, MUCH MORE BALANCED, AND MUCH LESS STRESSED about my business. I joke that he is annoyingly right all the time... (Now,) I actually make more than I spend!  I have money in my SU account for the first time in 9 years!  I could KICK myself when I think about where I could be if I had only listened to John's advice years ago!

 - CP, New York


I am very excited about this boot camp, mostly because I know whenever I take one of your classes it moves my business!  I hope that you know what an impact you are having in this industry, in my personal business and in me as a business woman!

- CR, Idaho


Quick Links...

Order the Electronic Version of "Stamping Is My Business!"

Order the Printed Version of "Stamping Is My Business!"

Order one of the SIMB Training CDs

Join the Stamping Business Coaching Group

Find out how to book John to speak live to YOUR group

Learn more about the SIMB Referral Program

Sign up for 1-on-1 Coaching

Sign up for an e-mail address

Order the "Stamping Is My Business!" Tote Bag

Stamping Is My Business! Homepage

E-mail Me


Past Newsletters

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December, 2006

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Companies I Use

People always ask me what companies I use to run my home-based business. The links below are all companies I work with and recommend:

Constant Contact --> Your Email Marketing Manager

Register Domains at 

GoToMyPC Free Trial + $10 Off

 Free Delivery on most orders $50.00 or more



To help insure delivery, please remember to add to your address book or whitelist.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact me.  

     voice: 518-647-2232

Address: 36 Fir Street, Jay, NY 12941
